I was consciously aware that I was self sabotaging, but I didn't have the tools to stop this constant loop.

I became aware of trauma work not long before connecting with Andrew, intellectually understood myself, my journey and my trauma through abstract thought; but Andrew and his methods of embodied healing - or as we called it tuning up- were the missing piece I needed to help me live my purpose.

I was consciously aware that I was self sabotaging, but I didn't have the tools to stop this constant loop. Mentally I was at odds with myself for my unconscious behavior, I felt like a slave to my conditioning, to my repressed emotional trauma from my childhood and my lack of self love.

Now, after working with Andrew I'm on the road to self-realisation. I've learned how to self regulate when I'm triggered, I've rediscovered my voice, my vision, my purpose and most importantly.......my true self.

I'm no longer triggered by past emotions stored within my body, the blockages that have been there for 20 years have been dissolved and I feel empowered to live a full and purposeful life. Thank you Andrew, without your help I would be stuck being at odds with who I was and what happened to me, instead of living to my true potential.

Eoghan Ryan - Dublin, Ireland

Andrew Lynn