Andrew helped me deal with - changing religious beliefs, setting boundaries, difficult family relationships, a healthy marriage, career options, loving oneself, and identifying your true purpose.

I started working with Andrew earlier this year after finding him on Instagram. I found Andrew's style to be very helpful for me as he draws from many sources, tools, and personal experiences to help his clients. Each session was extremely helpful as I explained where I was at in life and Andrew listened closely. He provided helpful feedback and then we did joint energy work. He gave me tools to work with in between sessions that I still use even after we've concluded our work together.

Andrew helped me deal with a wide variety of issues that I think many fathers and husbands come across in their lives. This included changing religious beliefs, setting boundaries, dealing with difficult family relationships, navigating a healthy marriage, evaluating career options, loving oneself, and identifying your true purpose. I would highly recommend Andrew to anyone, especially fathers and husbands. Andrew is in your court and an excellent support.

Matthew Owens - USA

Andrew Lynn